by TLC Graduate, Kiesha Cannon
I applied to the TLC 3-week course
while I was co-counsel with Assistant Public Defender MeLisa McNeil, a graduate
of the TLC Death Penalty Seminar. I shared with her how nervous I was about my
first murder case, which was court-appointed, and she recommended the TLC
When I was accepted into TLC, I was
in a place in my life when I truly needed it; I needed a life changing
experience. I believe God was speaking to me, letting me know that this was
that experience.
Before attending the program, I had
no idea what I was getting in to. MeLisa did not tell me anything about the
program, besides sharing it was in Wyoming. I had no reservations about
attending. I was excited about the possibility of the life changing experience
I desired.
Being at TLC was one of the happiest
times of my life. There is magic there. If you are open to the possibility, the
experience will change you. I was made better there. I loved and was loved. I
felt safe.
The most important lesson I learned
through my time with TLC was the importance of honesty. Being honest with
myself is necessary before I can be honest with anyone else. I learned that
everybody is going through the same things in life. While I'm far from
perfect, I am willing to do the hard work it takes to be a better human. My
experience has helped me try to be more compassionate; I double everybody
before I rush to anger or judgment.
After TLC, I feel like I'm seeing
everything in life through a fresh set of eyes and life is different... It's
better. I'm really grateful to God for that.