Betsy Greene – 05’ TLC Grad – TLC Alumni List Serve –
January 30, 2012:
I have Ron’s fire lit. Please throw another log on
the fire for Deb Walcott. We will go to jury tomorrow.
I have to give a shout out to my local group. We
had our first regular group meeting in Indianapolis Friday. We had 6 TLC
grads in attendance. Gwen Truesdell, our newest Region 7
representative, joined us from Ohio. It was so wonderful and I wish I could
give you more details but I am in trial mode. More details tomorrow.
I want to share what TLC has done for Debra Walcott. This
was my law partner’s case. Several months ago, we convened a group to
work on the case. We discovered the story by doing dramas. We
didn’t decide until a month ago that I would try the case with my partner,
Fred. (Thanks Rafe)
I did a classic TLC Jack & Jill cross of the defense
doctor. We will see tomorrow if the jury gives me permission before I
killed him. He HATED the storybook cross. (Thanks Maren).
I worked on voir dire with the Indianapolis group.
What a gift! I was able to try many different ways to “show them
mine”. (Some work on the horse snuck in there, too.) Fred and I spent the
day at our client’s house preparing for direct. I reversed roles with
each juror before the trial. (Thank you, Jude).
I felt great talking to the jury. Opening was like
telling a story to friends. Deb was wonderful on direct. I have already
prepared my closing. It actually prepared itself. I knew Deb’s
story inside and out. Deb doesn’t want a million dollars. She will
be ecstatic if, at the end of the day, her bills are paid. She is a great
person and went through three and half years of pain before a shoulder surgery
finally gave her relief. If this jury want to deny her, there is evidence
that they could hang their hats on. Because of TLC, Deb knows that we
care and that we stood up and fought for her. Phil posted something Joey
wrote a few weeks ago and it resonated with me. To paraphrase, when we
take the time to know our clients and we believe in the fight, it isn’t what we
say- it oozes out of us. I have to believe that it counts.
We’ll find out tomorrow.
I love being a Warrior. Betsy
Update - February 1, 2012:
We won.
The offer was $15,000 and the verdict was $50,000.
It was a tough case (causation, intervening injuries, soft tissue, little
visible car damage) and we would not have won had we not done the work
necessary to believe in Deb. My TLC group was a big part of this. I
should feel better about this result. We will be able to negotiate Deb's
bills. She is much better off for fighting. In talking with the jury (and
focus group), it is discouraging to hear the deep rooted skepticism in these
kind of cases. Still, with all of the issues, I feel it wasn't fair and I
know -because we talked to the jury-they brought a lot of stuff to
deliberations that they shouldn't have (how much was she offered? Is she trying
to get more?). The people who were on our side did not stand up.
Somehow, I need to do this better.
Every minute I spent working on this case was well spent.
The method absolutely works. Since I have used the TLC methods, I have
had consistently better results at trial. TLC work is essential.
Usually, I am trying the muddy cases and settling the good ones.
These are the cases that must be won to keep the insurance companies
honest. I will keep striving to fight better.
I neglected to mention in my previous e-mail that Cheryl
Caenter shared Nelson Tyrone's focus group information with me. She
shared her adaptations as well. It was great stuff. I wanted to
try something completely new and different so I did. It was inexpensive,
revealing, and forced me to break the case down to its essential elements.
Thanks Cheryl and Nelson.
Thanks to all of you for the fires. It really means
a lot.
Love, Betsy

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