Wednesday, February 9, 2011

The TLC Regional Seminar at Big Sur

Thanks to Gary Wenkle Smith, TLC 2000, for answering the call and writing this essay on his experience at the California regional!

As always, I went to the Big Sur Regional with great anticipation of a spiritual experience. This was my eleventh year of training with the Trial Lawyer’s College. I have always grown from my experiences, and I keep coming back so that at least once each year I have had the time to receive and accept the gifts of TLC, and pass them along, both with fellow TLC’rs, as well as the world in which I live and practice law.

The way the Big Sur seminar was organized was a new approach, and I particularly enjoyed some of the new stuff. For example, we stayed with our respective faculty members all day, rather than for limited time, and beginning anew with other faculty an hour or two later. The continuity was important. As a group, we had the time for each other, and our facilitators/instructors seemed to have had a better opportunity to get to know all of us, as individuals, and as a group. The group work was awesome. We shared freely and openly.

The food was excellent, and there was a good deal of variety in the feastings. We shared our meals together, in groups, and I heard praise, and no complaints. The Lodge staff were wonderful, and the rooms were Spartan yet complete. No phones, television or clocks. I slept well and was refreshed each day.

The Big Sur Lodge is on holy ground. The trees are so beautiful and powerful. Their magnificence sets the forest with an aura of peace and tranquility. They have been the Lords for the forest for centuries. Morning walks among the Lords were refreshing and invigorating. One cannot escape the power of the Lords. One must surrender to the Lords, and then you will feel their hearts.

I want to return to Big Sur next year for more.

I am grateful to all who participated.

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