Thursday, January 13, 2011
Jeffrey Hill and Gregory Gold: Largest slip and fall verdict ever
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Cindy's Case
Written by Nelson Tyrone, Staff Member and 2000 TLC Grad
Scroll to the bottom to read an article published on this case in the Daily Report.
Thanks to everyone for the kind words and thanks to all the warriors who helped with this case. First of all, to my co-counsel, Mary Alice: Cindy and I couldn’t have done it without you. For anyone who doesn’t know, Mary Alice is a formidable lawyer. When she was done with the Defense’s RSD expert, I actually felt sort of sorry for him. (He just looked so small and confused.) If you’ve got an RSD case, you would be a real fool not to ask Mary Alice to join your team.
We did a lot of TLC work on this case. Katlin flew to Atlanta to spend a day working with Cindy and her husband. Mary Alice and I were joined by Josh Schiffer, Adrienne Hobbs & Chuck Pekor and Lloyd Bell helped us. Josh and Adrienne and Lloyd read depos during the trial. Alan Cleveland offered and was en-route until our witness order changed. Vicki Slater flew to Atlanta and helped me with (one of many) focus groups. Nick Rowley and I traded emails about how to express the horror of RSD. Jude kept my spirits up when I was going broke funding the litigation. Katlin flew back to Atlanta to help us pick a jury. Countless others pitched in with their ideas and support. Thanks to you all. We couldn’t have done it without you.
The litigation lasted nearly 3 years. There were 188 pleadings filed. 5 motions to compel (by me). 4 motions for sanctions (all denied). 34 depositions. 5 focus groups.
We had a fantastic case heading to trial and were left with just a “good” one by the time the Judge was through with us. Put another way, the judge gutted our case in the week before trial – he sanitized all the outrage. Before trial, we had sworn testimony from QT’s claims supervisor that, in response to burning Cindy, QT researched the customer complaints and learned they had burned 20 other people with the same machine under the same circumstances. QT “learned” this in the exact same month they filed their Answer denying responsibility. After Cindy they burned 10 more people. The Judge kept it ALL out and directed a verdict against my Attorney Fee claim. We were left without our strongest evidence of outrage and betrayal (what some would call a “plain” Negligence case).
We were also left with a horribly damaged client. The Defense pointed, over and over, to Cindy’s Rheumatoid Arthritis and to how her condition had been so bad she had been in a wheelchair two years before they burned her. Cindy’s doctors were confused by her injury – they didn’t diagnose RSD for over a year. In the meantime they had sent her to hand surgery (yes, an intervening trauma sufficient to cause RSD on its own). The hand surgeon was scared he might have committed malpractice. To protect himself he testified that the surgery he performed had nothing to do with the burn, but was entirely related to her pre-existing condition of Rheumatoid. Mary Alice and I double-teamed him. She took him at deposition and I took him on at trial.
Even Cindy’s treating doctor, the Anesthesiologist who diagnosed her with RSD refused to agree that her condition was permanent – sometimes he thought it was, and sometimes he thought it wasn’t – and refused to agree with our expert on Cindy’s future medical needs.
Finally, we were in the toughest county in Georgia to get a verdict. Folks in Cobb County returned a verdict last year – the second highest to ours – for 1.2 Million in a wrongful death case for a 52 year old mother. Tough, tough, crowd.
With Cindy’s family and friends behind us, we kept pushing forward. The Defense offered $88k to settle before trial. They then asked for mediation. We told them to pound sand. We spend ½ a day on Voir Dire. Tried the case in 3 ½ days with testimony from 20 witnesses (7 of them doctors).
In closing, we talked about Cindy as our hero – imperfect, but courageous, stoic, and refusing to give in to the pain disorder that started with her hand and had taken her arm below the elbow by the time of trial. We talked about how, after knowing Cindy, we would never be able to complain again without thinking of her. We talked about how her courage had shown us what is possible.
In the end, the jury reached a verdict that was probably a compromise. I understand from speaking with some of them that some folks wanted to give Cindy nothing and some wanted a lot more. Had the judge not gutted us, I think we would have done even more for Cindy.
The jury returned a verdict at 5 p.m. on Friday. The punitive phase was scheduled to begin at 9 a.m. on Monday morning. Over the weekend, QT caved and settled the whole case in a confidential settlement. I can tell you they rolled all the way over.
The verdict will allow Cindy to get the best medical care money can buy. With Mary Alice’s involvement in directing Cindy to a specialist, Cindy will be on a plane in January to Denver to meet with the best RSD doc in the country. Keep Cindy and her family in your prayers. She still has a real fight on her hands.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Krauth not guilty of murder, judges in Danbury rule
DANBURY -- After living under a cloud of suspicion for nearly two decades and facing the possibility of a long imprisonment, Donald Krauth walked out of state Superior Court in Danbury on Wednesday a free man.
Krauth, a 50-year-old construction worker who was extradited from his home in Minnesota last year, was facing up to 60 years in prison on a murder charge for the strangulation death of Charles Cromwell in the victim's Bethel home on March 29, 1992.
The defendant, who was released from custody less than an hour after a panel of three judges found him not guilty, asserted his innocence when approached in a Superior Court stairwell.
"All I have to say is I have damn good attorneys," he told a reporter. "I didn't do it."
Read more here!
I have seen dark places
and people
who still dwell
in that world
with misery and suffering.
I have been there.
I shall not return.
There is still an absence of light
around some people.
Their greatest fear
is that they cannot
stand up—
and some times,
we must be in their pain.
The impotence
of not being able
to share the joy
can be crushing—
like the depths of the sea.
It can be so compelling,
and powerful.
It can be difficult.
But it is so simple.
Would that I could,
I would reach into him
and show him that
which he will not see.
But he must first open his eyes.
When the apostles returned
with the finale’
and the voice
of reason
rang out
over the protests
of the few,
the many
were heard.
As the guillotine dropped,
and his life
ebbed away—
gone forever—
there was
no grieving
at the loss.
And were she
to say
she was not true
none would mourn still.
He was the damned.
Telling Helen's Story
Last fall I had the opportunity to tell Helen's story to a South Dakota jury. Helen graduated from college in 1929. Her family thought education was important. So did Helen. She taught school for a number of years and remained particularly active with her alma mater, Dakota Wesleyan University (DWU). After reaching 100 years of age, she became unsteady on her feet and fell. Helen informed her family that she was going to a nursing home because she would need assistance to keep walking. "I don't want to be in a wheelchair."
That autumn a new library was being dedicated on the DWU campus to its most famous alumnus and Helen's former pupil, George McGovern. The dedication speakers in this small college town were President Bill Clinton and Senator Bob Dole. Helen was to be an honored guest and a plaque placed in the library as a tribute to Helen and her family.
On August 14th an overworked and undertrained CNA dropped Helen. She broke her hip and shoulder. Helen died a month later and six weeks before the library dedication.
Kaitlin Larimer helped me pick the jury. A crucial question to the jurors was “does it
make a difference how you die?” Is Helen entitled to live out her life in peaceful
serenity? Or, should she die a lingering death from the forces of bone breaking
One of her devoted sons, recreated a hospital room scene of Helen having to be
repositioned every two hours and the pain that it caused her. The case was tried in a
small South Dakota town against a “mom and pop” nursing home. The defense
emphasized the nature of their local business and urged that with Helen’s severe heart
condition, blindness and being 100 years old, that any award would have to reflect
those realities. The jury decided that “it did matter how you die,” and awarded
At the 2009 graduate seminar at the Ranch, Josh Karton and Jude Basile got me up in
front of the group and told me to make an opening statement on a case that was on my
mind. I chose Helen’s case. Then they said “no, I want you to sing your opening
statement.” So I sang Helen’s opening statement to the group. While I didn’t sing my
opening statement at Helen’s trial, the insights from that exercise helped me portray the
passion of Helen’s life and death.
Dubois makes True West's Top 10 for Second Year

Is anyone surprised?!
Moving up two places, Dubois (home to the Thunderhead Ranch) earned the No. 2 spot on annual list.
By: Christine Smith
Editor, Dubois Frontier
Dubois took two steps up on the ladder of True West Magazine's 2011 Top 10 Western Towns, coming in at the No. 2 spot. The announcement made on Dec. 10 puts Dubois second only to Pendleton, Oregon.
After debuting on the list at No. 4 in its first attempt last year, capturing the No. 2 position is a real honor for the town. ..
The article states, "...the town regularly preserves its local heritage at annual events, ranging from the Swedish Smorgasbord to celebrate the Scandinavian heritage of loggers to Pack Horse Races to the Circle Up Chuckwagon Dinner Show. It's obvious that locals put a lot of sweat into preserving their town."...
"This year the competition was very tight," said True West Editor Bob Boze Bell. "But these towns really stand out. If you're into the history and the heritage of the West, you need to go visit each and every one of these towns."
Congratulations from TLC to Dubois, WY!